Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files are those files in a picture format that uses a lossless sort of data compression and is that the favored picture format for the Apple iPhone. Once you take a screen capture on the iPhone, it’s saved automatically to the Camera Roll as a PNG file, and you’ll view it directly on the iPhone’s screen without the necessity to put in any third-party iPhone apps. For you to load a PNG file, you have to save it to the iPhone’s Camera roll or library.

How To Save Image To The Camera Roll or Library
- Tap and hold a PNG image file available within an email or displayed on a webpage. A small dialog box will appear, requesting the following instructions on what action you’d like to perform with the picture.
2. Click on the “Save Image” icon. The PNG file will automatically be copied to the iPhone’s Camera library.
3. Click on the “Save All Images” icon if the email or webpage comprises various PNG files. All PNG files at that directory will copy to the iPhone’s Camera roll or library at once, so you don’t have to store them one by one. If you don’t know how to create a png file or image on an iPhone, then I request you to watch this video from Kaylas’s World
How to Viewing PNG Files on the iPhone
- Open the Photos app on the iPhone by pressing the gallery icon on the home screen.
2. Click on the “Camera Roll” folder in the “Albums” section to see the thumbnails of all images and videos saved in the iPhone’s Camera Roll.
3. Touch the thumbnail for the PNG file(s) you just stored to see the image in full-screen mode.
4. Swipe right and left to move between images saved in the Camera Roll.
5. Touch anywhere on the screen to display the Photo app’s controls and tap the “Camera Roll” option in the upper left corner to move back to the album overview screen.