Launching A blog is a great marketing tool or, let me say, a platform to make cool cash.
It might feel like an ‘old-school stuff,’ but it’s still a powerful SEO tool in 2022. Google loves great content and rank on the first-page result.
If you’re looking forward to starting a blog or site, I only have a few things to say: go for it and let’s discuss the rest below. Let be the new year 2022, is when you finally start your first blog.
What kind of great things must you be considering before starting a new blog? If you take a while to think about how to set up your first blog before you begin, you’ll have fewer jobs to do later on.
In this article, I’ll discuss why a blog is so important for SEO and give you guides on how to set up your first blog on your site.
Why is a blog important for SEO?
When you publish a post, Google reads your content. That implies that sites with unique content are more likely to rank high in search engines. A blog is an excellent platform to write and publish about what you know.
It’ll allow you to write things your visitor will want to read. You may want to rank for some tough competitive keywords. Writing and publishing blog posts on different aspects of those competitive keywords will make ranking for those competitive terms much more effortless.
All you need is (SEO) pet and some excellent internal links to rank top in those search engine query pages.

Guides on how to start your first blog
Suppose you want to start from scratch; I mean, you don’t even have a site before, then you’ll need to plunge into things like hosting, themes, catching, and installing great SEO plugins.
Let’s just guess that you have a website but don’t have a blog (yet). How do you want to create your first post? Let’s move on to some practical guides together!
1. Choose your niche or Area of Specializations.
You must always be writing about what you know. However, it would be best not to write about everything you know. Select a niche! Choose upon the main topic and write posts related to that topic.
It’s more likely that your visitors will come back and read your other articles if you’re writing about similar or related posts. People will know what to expect. Starting a Satellite TV blog implies that you write about all things concerning dish antenna, accessories, and digital receivers.
Launching a health blog suggests you write about curing, fitness, and health benefits of consuming a fruit or vegetable. Offcourse, you can write about something a little off-topic once in a while but try to stick to your niche. An audience of a satellite blog doesn’t expect a blog post about traveling.
2. Keyword Research
Once you’ve chosen your niche, try to discover what people search for in the search engines. What phrases or terms are they using when they want to read about your niche and your blog topic? You should really get inside the touch the mind of your potential visitors. Doing keyword research properly, you will end up with a long list of keywords for which you would likely be found easily. Try to develop competitive, head keywords and too less competitive long-tail keywords. And, always remember to give search intent some idea as well.
3. Think about site structure
You’ll start with a clean and unique outlook, so this is the best time to think about site structure (site appearance). What categories are prevalent in your niche? What are the essential head keywords you’d like to rank for? As a publisher, one needs to write long articles about these keywords. Those will be your most important posts or cornerstone articles. It would be best to give those articles a prominent place on your site that’s visible to your audience.
After you’ve written those gorgeous cornerstone articles, write many blog posts on subtopics of that primary topic and always link to your cornerstones or parent posts. By doing these, Google will understand your site exactly what the most important articles on your website are.
4. Style And Personality
A blog usually has an informal style and must be interactive. Blog posts are generally casual, like talking to friends or family. But it all depends on your nature and the topic of your blog post. Before you start your first blog, decide upon a style you like to pick. What kind of information or feelings do you want your posts to have? Suppose your blog is about software review or gadget review; your blog should have a somewhat formal tone of voice. However, a blog about animals could pull off a completely different passion!
A Short Recipe First Blog Post
Once you’ve done a little bit of thinking, researching, and come out with ideas. You just need to start writing! Put pen to paper or probably put fingers on keyboard) and just begin it. Your blog starts with an excellent first post. That post doesn’t have to be good; it just has to be published after writing. Let me help you and give you a quick formula for that first blog post.
- Choose a topic! What are you going to write about?
- Write down your message: that’s the information you want people to know from this post?
- Write and read more about writing… linking to another site.
- Add pictures and videos. Every post in your blog should feature at least one image of a more diminutive size. Using lovely photos yourself is an excellent way of creating unique pictures. As well as making short videos uploaded to youtube is a perfect blogging strategy. Especially if you’re blogging or publishing articles about (aspects) of your own life experience, photos of it are essential.
- Optimize for the Search Engines (edit the post with a short and straightforward paragraph) before publishing your post. You can optimize it using the Yoast SEO plugin. Don’t forget to create an excellent SEO title and a nice snippet. Manipulate your text and ensure your text is readable for your audience and SEO-friendly for the search engine. And remember to add some internal and external links pointing towards your new post. Otherwise, visitors and Google will never find it in any search engines!
- Advertise your blog: Social media is the best platform to reach and increase your blog’s audience. That’s why your blog should have at least Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter page. Sharing your posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is a good marketing strategy. In addition, to use social media to promote your blog or website, we recommend you integrate a digital newsletter plugin like MailChimp or one signal (free version) notifications. Let your audience sign up for it and send them custom emails with your latest blog posts and other vital content they might need to know.
Love your site, Take it As Extra Job, And Start Blogging
When you start a blog for the first time, besides setting up your new site, it is most important to write that very first blog post. After you’ve written that first post, and published it, then your blog has started.
You should continue writing blog posts daily or scheduling your post from that moment on. Just continue with the SEO love. Try to determine a frequency to publish new posts so your readers know what to expect.
It is unnecessary to blog every day, and twice or a fourth a month could also be an excellent frequency to start with. Starting a blog is hard work. But with time, you will soon adapt to it and blog every day later on.